Look Back Not Forward
My clients are absolutely the best…our chats during warm ups and cool downs give me so much inspiration for my emails!
After a conversation with a client on Monday it got me thinking that we all so busy, juggling so much, plus we consume so much ‘idealist’ content on social media…is it any wonder that we often find ourselves thinking that we aren’t doing enough or we aren’t good or fit enough when it comes to health and fitness.
Sometimes you’ve gotta sit back and look at how far you’ve come rather than how far you still have to go to meet your goal.
Praise yourself for your achievements to date, no matter how small you think they are. Whether it’s hitting your daily step target, increasing the weights you’re lifting on a certain exercise or drinking an extra 500ml of water a day…it’s all a step in the right direction.
I’m gonna use a football analogy…
‘If you’re in possession you can’t concede’…in other words, if you’re making progress (no matter how small), you’re not failing